Literary Lists

Literacy Lists, Greek Mythology On My TBR

It’s been ages since I’ve shared one of these lists and I’ve truly missed them. So today, in honor of Hera’s release date (as it absolutely blew me away, you can find my review for it here), I thought I’d share a list of some of the books inspired by Greek Mythology that are high priority on my TBR.

Atalanta by Jennifer Saint

As how thoroughly I fell in love with Hera is what initially inspired me to come up with this list I absolutely had to start it off with the only book that I still have to read by it’s author.

The Heroines by Laura Shepperson

This book made My Most Anticipated Releases list for 2023 (found here, and here) so it’s a travesty that I haven’t read it yet. Please note that this novel is also called Phaedra in some countries.

Daughters Of Sparta by Claire Heywood

I adored The Shadow Of Perseus last year so naturally I want to check out the author’s debut offering too.

Ithaca by Claire North

‘This is the story of Penelope of Ithaca, famed wife of Odysseus, as it has never been told before. Beyond Ithaca’s shores, the whims of gods dictate the wars of men. But on the isle, it is the choices of the abandoned women—and their goddesses— that will change the course of the world’

Need I say more about why I want to read this one?

Divine Might by Natalie Haynes

We’re half way through this list so I thought I’d include something different; a non fiction offering that I remember Sophie enjoying. I’m curious to see what the author has to say about the Goddesses in Greek Mythology.

The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller

Circe was one of (possibly even the first but I don’t know for definite without checking) Greek Retellings that I fell for so of course I had to include the other full length one that Madeline Miller has written.

The Silence Of The Girls by Pat Barker

Doesn’t the name instantly intrigue you? Isn’t it only natural to want to read all of the women centric tales surrounding Troy as possible?

Daughter Of Sparta by Claire M. Andrews

The only Young Adult offering on this list and it’s one I’ve been meaning to read for a while. The story of Daphne and Apollo isn’t one that I know to be honest. From this book’s blurb it certainly sounds like an intriguing tale however.

Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

The only author to feature twice on this list (and it could easily have been more than that to be fair). I’ve read Medusa’s story before but I’m naturally intrigued by any offering of it. And given how many intriguing sounding retellings Natalie Haynes has written I had to include at least one of them here.

Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Cue the horror but I haven’t read this series yet (although I have seen the movie and actually enjoyed it I’m guessing as I had no book to compare it too). So yes this book is the odd one out, being a Middle Grade offering, but I seriously do want to read it sometime soon and (hopefully) fall head over heels for the Percy Jackson craze.

What Greek Mythology retellings are on your TBR? What are you favourites? What would you most like to see?

32 thoughts on “Literacy Lists, Greek Mythology On My TBR

  1. Great idea for a list 😁 I’m sad to say I haven’t read any of these, but a bunch are on my wishlist. I know Circe isn’t on this list but it’s a book I’m dying to read at some point. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One day, once I’ve had a chance to read a couple more books within the genre, I’m going to do a list of favourites and that’ll definitely be on it. I highly recommend checking it out, I adored that one.


  2. Ooh, love the list! 🥰🤗 There are so many books on here that I’ve never even heard of, and the only two I’ve read are The Song of Achilles and Percy Jackson – which I’d both highly recommend!

    Like, I was really skeptical about The Song of Achilles at first because I – unlike you 😅 – really did not like Circe, which I read first, but then I ended up LOVING it so, so much! Everything about it was just so beautiful and simultaneously heartbreaking?

    And obviously, Percy Jackson is iconic 🔱 I can’t wait for you to read it so we can gush about the series together!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ❤️ im glad it brought some new books to your attention. The more books that I seem to read including Greek mythology the more I seem to fall for the genre. I’m definitely doing a favourites one eventually too. I just want to read a few more of my high priority ones first.

      That’s good to hear, even if our feelings for Circe differ. That description of it sounds amazing and tbh makes me want to read it even more. I also want to pick up Galatea by the author sometime too.

      I honestly can’t believe that I still haven’t got to it 🙈 I’ll definitely let you know once I’ve read it.

      BTW I haven’t forgotten about the quiz, I’m going to post it on the last day of the month.

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      1. I would definitely love to see that favorites post eventually! 🤗 Personally, retellings in general are always rather hit-or-miss for me – I tend to get bored if they’re too similar to the original story and love if they add completely new twists, but if they change things so drastically that the nods to the source material get lost, I also become upset. Basically, I’m just impossible to please 😂

        And oooooh, I’m definitely looking forward to that quiz!! I haven’t missed it, have I? (I took a few days off for vacation and have no idea what’s going on anymore, apparently 🙃🤣) Feel free to completely spam my comments to make sure I find it!

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      2. Thank you 💗 ooh sounds like a difficult balance for you retelling wise. I get where you’re coming from though. As you don’t want to read dozens of tales that are exactly the same. But you don’t just want a book that takes one element or even just character names but looks nothing like the original. My experience so far with retellings has mostly been positive though.

        No you haven’t missed it. I meant to post it yesterday but ended up busier than I’d expected so I’m doing it in about half an hour. Just need to add the last paragraph basically. I hope you enjoyed your vacation though. And it can be good to take a blogging break at times although catch up can feel impossible afterwards 😅

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  3. Aw… It’s lovely to see another literacy lists post and this one is very suited to you. I hope you end up loving all these books 🥰 Thank you for the mention with Divine Might, I hope you find it an interesting read. The author’s debut book, Pandora’s Jar, seems similar to Divine Might but instead of goddesses in greek myth, more about the mortal women in the epic tales. I was looking at it in the bookstore and saw Clytemnestra in the contents, so I am hoping to read this one soon! ✨

    I need to read Song of Achilles too (I read Circe first as well). I saw Folio Society have released a special edition of it, with illustrations. I quite like the design, quite moody and beige, but it is a really nice book. Quite expensive though, eek! Every time I am in a used bookstore I try to find a paperback of the normal edition, but no luck. I thought it would be common 😅

    I hope you enjoy Atalanta as well. I remember liking her story in Greek myth so out of Saint’s books that is top of my list, along with Hera of course. Have read the other two of Saint’s books??

    Happy reading! I hope you discover lots of new favourites! ❤️

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    1. Thank you 🥰 I actually put Pandoras Jar originally then realised it was the other that you’d mentioned 🙈 I didn’t realise she’d written more than one book in that style so I guess that’s where I got mixed up. Goddesses sound particularly enticing though. Ooh sounds intriguing. I hope you enjoy it whenever you do pick it up. Have you read Clytemnestra yet btw? I’ve recently read the authors upcoming book Babylonia and it’s incredible 😍

      I hope you enjoy it whenever you find a copy. I’ll have to look that up so I can check out the design. Love that it’s illustrated too. Yeah it’s popular so you’d think it would be. I guess everyone must have kept their copies 🤔

      I didn’t really know much about her until recently tbh. And that’s only because she appeared in another book that i read. Her stories seems intriguing from what I’ve discovered so far though. Yes I adored Ariadne. There was one instalove moment that felt a bit awkward but that’s literally the only part I wasn’t a fan of. And I kind of blame the retelling nature for that as certain common ground tends to get covered. It’s got her sisters story too which was superbly done. I enjoyed Elektra as well but not quite as much. Don’t get me wrong it’s still worth checking out but I wanted more of certain storyline where it’s divided into three perspectives. And where one of them is Clytemnestras daughter maybe reading it quite close to that actual book impacted my experience.

      Thank you ❤️❤️ fingers crossed 🤞

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      1. They are very similar books, both in content and style. Pandora’s Jar also came first so I sometimes wish I read it first 😆
        Thank you! 🥰
        I haven’t read Clytemnestra yet *cries* but it is fourth in line on my physical reading list! It will be during the summer this year! I can’t wait! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed Babylonia though, it does sound wonderful 😍

        Thank you! Illustrated books are great, it even had an illustrated book sleeve too. I love it! I know, I guess it is a good sign people keep their copies, hehe!

        Hopefully Saint’s book will only add to what you already like! Aw.. I’m happy you enjoyed Ariadne, I don’t think I know too much about her or she was only a small side character in what I’ve read. But I love the idea of hearing the sister’s too!
        Elektra was the one I am one unsure of funnily enough. In the Greek plays I’ve read, she was one of my least favourite characters but maybe for that reason it will be good to read as it will test my own image of her perhaps.
        Ah I see, and sometimes reading retellings with characters close to each other can affect your opinions, I’d be the same!


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      2. Aww as they focus on different characters I expect they can be read in any order though.

        I didn’t think you could have as you hadn’t mentioned it but wasn’t 100% sure. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🤞 and I feel like Greek retellings are perfect for summer. It really is!! Based on the authors debut I thought I’d enjoy it but I was aware that it would be slightly different too with its setting.

        It was lovely looking. But you weren’t kidding about pricy. Yes it must be. Even the secondhand copies online are more than a lot of paperbacks. I feel like it’s a book that’s likely to gets lots of editions though so maybe more will catch your eye.

        Thank you. I wasn’t really familiar with her at first either and some of her story really surprised me. The sisters I wouldn’t have remembered off the top of my head but whilst reading definitely rang bells of familiarity.

        Oh really? I didn’t really know who she was before picking up it. I didn’t mind her as a character in the book too much. Although I’ll never understand how she idolises her dad 🙈
        Yes very true. You can’t help but compare.

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      3. Yes, very true!

        I will tell you as soon as I’ve read it! Greek retellings do make you think of summer, whether because of the destination is associated with holidays!
        I quite like that it is a different setting as I don’t know as much about the history surrounding it as much! I’m excited to read it. The waterstones exclusive edition is very snazzy too!

        I know, dollar dollar! Very true, there will always be a new edition coming out of it, I think. It certainly is a modern day classic!

        Aw.. that’s great, I am looking forward to exploring her story more!
        Yes, but I’m glad you found her a decent main character (I know her dad doesn’t deserve that! 😅)!

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      4. Thank you. I hope you enjoy it. And yes probably that and the sunny climate.
        So true. I found it interesting that it focused on something different. And it’s stunning 😍 I’m very tempted to get it. It’s definitely worth it content wise.

        Very true. I expect Waterstones will have one again at some point and theirs usually aren’t too pricy compared to regular editions.

        I do think it was interesting to see her side of things as well as Clytemnestra’s. But yes I so don’t get how anyone could side with him 🙄

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      5. Thank youuuu!
        That’s great, ah.. I don’t blame you especially as you loved it. Let me know if you get it!

        True, we are lucky to have waterstones for special editions!

        It is captivating as a reader to imagine different sides and I appreciate how authors show various opinions, even in intense situations! 😅


      6. Yes it’s nice knowing there’s no risk of disappointment. And I’ll definitely let you know.

        We are. I want them to do double points again though as they sold out of the one I wanted last time but it’s back in now 😅🙈

        Very true. It can be so compelling to see both sides of a clash. Especially if unreliable narrators are involved.


  4. Love seeing your list even if I haven’t read many of them 😅 I’m of course excited for your thoughts on The Song of Achilles but also Ithaca. I’m been meaning to give Claire North a second chance so Ithaca might be the one if you end up liking it.

    Loving Greek retellings but never having read Percy Jackson is shocking indeed 😄 I’ve read them but I was never as invested as other people. Maybe that’s why I also like the movie because I’ve definitely felt like the only one 😅 I’m glad we’re at least two now.

    I don’t really have any Greek retellings on my TBR except “whatever Madeline Miller writes next”, but I’m planning on listening to Mythos by Stephen Fry soon so maybe that will spark a greater interest in them 😇

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    1. Thank you ❤️ I’ll definitely share my thoughts about it once I’ve read it. Was it Fifteen Lives that you’d read before? I can’t fully remember but I just googled the authors other books and I think I had vague memories of you mentioning it. But I could be getting mixed up with someone else.

      I’ve always found the mythology fascinating but to be fair I only started picking up retellings of it a few years ago so I guess I missed that particular phase. And where I only own one out of five books, and have so many others to catch up on, I guess I keep putting it off now 🙈 oh wow someone else liked it 😂 I’ve always been a bit wary about saying so as all I’ve ever seen are rant reviews of how bad it was 😂😂 so no you’re not alone now.

      I think her next one is going to be Shakespeare not Greek but I don’t fully know. I’m guessing based on Goodreads although I’ve also read that she’s working on a Persephone retelling. Have you read Galatea? Ooh I hope you enjoy it. I’ll have to check that out one day too.

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      1. It was The Pursuit of William Abbey that I’d read which I guess is also one of her less popular ones.

        I’ve seen people begging Miller to do the Persephone one but I really want her to do anything else so I’m not at all opposed to a Shakespeare retelling 😍 And I have read Galatea and yes, you should read that one. Especially since it’s so short. I think it’s 12 pages or something like that but they are some impactful 12 pages.

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      2. Oh I don’t think I’ve heard of that one 🤔 if you do read something else by her I hope you enjoy it.

        It’ll be interesting to see what comes out first as I’ve seen conflicting information. Whatever it is I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait though. I remember reading the blurb for it thinking omg I must read this, then being put off by the length 🙈 it’s good to know it was powerful despite that though. It’s also odd that it put me off tbh as I’ve adored several short story collections. Anyway I’m hoping I can get it out of my library although I can’t check atm as their websites down.

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  5. So many books on here that I need to read as well! I’ve heard amazing things about Jennifer Saint’s and Madeline Miller’s books. AAAND PLEASE READ PERCY JACKSON. 💖 This series is so fun, and it gets more mature once you reach the Heroes of Olympus books. 🙂 All the characters are so distinct and memorable. Also–I enjoyed the movies too. Love Logan Lerman. 😂

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    1. The ones I’ve read by both of those authors have been fantastic. And I do plan to. I just hope I fall in with the hype 😅 Ooh that’s good to know. I did notice that the author had returned to the series last year too. I somehow only saw the first one so I’ll have to keep an eye out for the second. It’s nice to know others enjoyed it too though 😂


  6. All of these are ones I want to read too except the ones I’ve already read: LOVED Percy Jackson and the Song of Achilles so much! Fantastic list, it’s making me want to pick up Greek Retellings again too!

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    1. Those two do seem to be the most popular ones I’ve mentioned. A lot came out in the last few years so perhaps that why you haven’t heard of them. Ooh I rexognize the title, I’ll check out your review now.

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      1. It mentions some of the Gods in the blurbs so I think it’s probably mythological but I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. The other ive included Daughters Of Sparta (one letter change makes the titles so confusing) is probably more historical I’d imagine based on the book I’ve read by the author. With Shadows Of Perseus she fit the supernatural elements in in a more natural way.

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